Friday, as many of you have heard, is the so called day when the world ends, according to Mayans. I myself, like many others, don't believe the world will end on Friday. In fact, it should be a good day since it may be snowing finally! And yet, restaurants, bars, and other stores are having what they call "End of the World Sales." All over the internet, people are talking about it. Whether or not you believe the apocalypse is going to happen, I encourage all of you to make smart decisions. For example, don't have unprotected sex with someone just because you think the world might end so there's no point of being careful. If you do, you may end up being a mother or father by August of next year. I'm sure it'll happen for some people, and the generation that comes from those people would be known as something like "The End of the World Baby Boomers." Be smart with alcohol and anything you consider doing that you wouldn't normally try. I hope none of you try stuff not even the stars of Jackass would attempt to do.
I know this year has been kinda rough, considering the world has experienced some terrible tragedies, such as the theater shooting in Colorado, the victims that experienced Hurricane Sandy, and the massacres in Connecticut and China last Friday. Some people want the world to end. But do not lose your faith in the world and in people. There is always good and evil in the world. When the world will end, which will not be predicted by any man or woman, there will only be good and evil. That's according to Revelations in the Bible. 2012 is almost over. I pray that 2013 will be a better year with good results coming from it. Until that time comes, make the most of the rest of this year, but don't do anything you'll regret, like make unplanned babies or mess with Chuck Norris.
You shouldn't fear any day, just Chuck Norris. |
I didn't think this whole apocalypse thing through... |