I've drifted away for the longest time from not one but 3 things I used to love and do; running, playing guitar and my walk with God. Why did I stop doing all of that? I could make an excuse like not having enough free time, but that's not the case at all. The fact is I do have free time. Even on my busiest day I have some free time. What have I been doing with all of that free time I have? The answer for me lies in media entertainment such as video games, TV, Facebook, and YouTube. I have plenty of time to play guitar, go on a run or read my bible, but instead, I sink into my computer or my TV for hours upon end. I've been addicted without even fully realizing it. Granted, it's okay to play video games or go on Facebook for a little while, there's nothing wrong with that, but it can't be all you do. I've only just begun getting back into playing guitar, running, and digging into my bible, so my journey back to all of the things I used to love has only just begun. Here is how I'm getting back into the swing of things. This may help you in some way as well.
1. Running
Running is one of the best workouts you could do for your body. It increases stamina, makes you faster, and makes you feel better about yourself. I used to run in Cross Country and Track my senior year in High School and my Freshman year at Vincennes University. I wasn't the best, and I wasn't striving to be the very best runner in the team. I was racing against myself, trying to beat my personal records. And I did just that for a while. My best mile time was 5:05 and my best 8K time was 29:36. Those were what I call my "glory days." But I transferred to Ball State University after Freshman year, and I had an appendectomy. I didn't run for a while after that because my body wasn't ready for it. But I was ready afterwards, yet I still didn't run. I could have joined the running club, but I didn't. If you stray away from running for just one month, it becomes tougher to run. You become slower and you can't run as far. It's been a few years since I've gotten into a full running routine. But after all those years of not running, I started running this week. I discovered that deep down there is still a runner in me. I've done a few 10 minute runs this week on the track in the Rec Center and I learned that I could still run pretty fast. Only problem is I can't last very long on the track before I get worn out. I'm working on increasing my endurance while still maintaining a good pace. But over time I will get back into it.
My Tips on Running:
1. Schedule a time to run a day in advance.
2. Keep a running log of your running times and mileage each and every day.
3. Don't just run, but work out the rest of your body as well.
4. Have a running mate, preferably someone that runs at a similar pace as yours.
5. Stretch! If you don't, you'll get sore even faster and you'll be running less.
2. Playing Guitar
I can say I've played guitar for 8 years, but I don't have the experience of someone that plays guitar on a regular basis for 8 years. I've slacked off periodically after the first 4 years of playing. There a few reasons for that. As a college student, I've lived with roommates every year. I used to hate practicing my guitar around other people, so I wouldn't play unless they weren't around. Another is that I left my guitar in a guitar case hiding under a bed or behind a desk. These are excuses I've made for myself but didn't figure out how to get around them. I've learned to be comfortable with playing guitar around others over time. I've also gained a desire to learn songs I listen to a lot. For me that means learning to play all of the song, including the solos and riffs that are difficult to master. Why is it important for me to keep playing guitar? It's a way to express myself through the songs I play. It's fun to do and there is so much I can still learn. When people ask me to play worship songs, I can play them. Music is a great tool for worship. So if you're good, you should utilize it.
Tips for Playing Guitar:
1. Leave your guitar on a guitar stand. If it's plain sight, you're more likely to play it.
2. Replace your strings every once in a while.
3. If you can get someone to teach you, then do it.
4. Learn how to play music in the easiest way possible for you. Whether that's reading tabs on the internet, sheet music, or playing by ear.
3. Walking with God
What I mean by walking with God is seeking a relationship with him. I've always believed in God and everything in the bible, but a lot of times I didn't do anything with that. I just said I believed in him but I haven't always acted like a Christian. In my past relationships, I never had God in the center of them. In fact, I didn't think of God that often when I was dating other girls. I centered my life around having someone. I was more selfish in those days and a lot of times I just wanted to party and have fun. I've developed myself and my morals over the years. I want my next relationship to not only be about me and my next girlfriend, but to also be centered around God. To have moral virtues and for us to help each other grow in our faith together. I've also been lazy with praying and reading my bible. To have a relationship with God requires communication, and the best way to communicate is through prayer. And I don't mean praying by just asking him for good things to happen, but for your faith to build and to thank God for what you have. As for reading the bible, remember that it is not enough to only read it at bible studies or at church. As us folks at Cru like to call it, it's all about diggage. Dig into your bible as often as you can. There is always something new you can learn from it. Hebrews 5:12 says that "In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again." You have the tool needed to help grow your faith, and that is your bible. If you don't have one, please talk to me and I can help get you one. What has helped me the most with strengthening my relationship in God is finding time to pray and read my bible. I've prayed in my car out loud a few times and read my bible while working out.
Tips for Continuing to Seek Christ:
1. Dig into your bible. Not just at bible studies or worship events, but by yourself as well.
2. Keep your bible visible, such as on top of your night stand.
3. Don't be afraid to read your bible in public. I've even read my bible on an elliptical bike in public.
4. Pray when you can and pray often. Even in the bathroom or in the car. Just pray.
5. If your relationship is worsening your faith, you need to address it or end the relationship.
6. Go to church. If you believe the church you go to isn't good for you, go to a different church. Don't quit going to church because of one church.
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