Winter Break isn't the only thing that's over for me. I have to say farewell tonight to someone I've grown quite attached to during break. It's not gonna be easy. It'll be really awkward saying goodbye. I'm talking of course about my beard. Like most guys, shaving off your beard after you finally have it the way you want it to look is a crappy feeling. I have to shave my beard off because I have to go back to work tomorrow. I work a dining job on campus at Noyer, and they require that you have a clean shaven face every time you work. That way we don't get beard hair in your soup. Although I really don't want to shave my beard off, I have to make the sacrifice so that I can put bacon on the table.
I won't be growing a beard again until May, which is when the semester is over. It's always weird seeing myself after I shave off my beard. I look like I'm 17! I'm contemplating on keeping the 'stache, but if I look like a 40 year old man I'm going to have to shave that off too. For now, I'll still have my new beard hat that I got for Christmas. It has a ginger beard attached to it to replace my ginger beard. I'll be wearing it around campus during the cold season!
I can still drink with a straw! |
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